YES theater was founded by Nikolai Mishler and Sophie Gorai in March 2020 [yes, that March 2020] dedicated to recycling global folk traditions into contemporary multimedia performance that highlights collective liberation.
YES theater practices sustainability as a source of creation, form, and content.
YES theater provides accessible workshops for all ages leading instruction in recycled mask making and global performance practices.
YES work, which is embedded in our educational practice, is rooted in the literal recycling of materials from our everyday life into acts of joy and beauty, both of which we consider necessary tools of resistance. educational partners have included AOC Homework Helpers, P.53k, allinone collective, and Flatbush Community Theater.
in line with our mission and practice of working toward collective liberation, YES Theater is proud to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the call from the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement to commit to the guidelines of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which are as follows:
refuse all funding, collaboration, or partnerships with any institutions receiving financial support or sponsorship from the israeli government, or have benefitted from, or continue to whitewash and normalize israel’s violations of international law
*this is not a boycott of individuals based on their identities such as citizenship, race, gender, sexuality, or religion.
to learn more about PACBI and BDS visit bdsmovement.net/pacbi
as a collective operating primarily on stolen land of the Lenape People, YES Theater acknowledges our role in the ongoing colonial project of the United States, and our responsibility as artists and individual people to actively organize in solidarity with international anti-colonial struggles. we know our liberation is bound up with each other and by signing PACBI, YES Theater also pledges to continue to fight for Black and Queer liberation, Disability and Migrant rights, Class and Ecological justice, and against any and all forms of systemic oppression which prohibit people from living with freedom, dignity, joy, and beauty.
if you are part of a performance or arts company or organization (no matter how small) we encourage you to sign onto PACBI. if you have any questions about that process or would like support please fill out the contact form below or email dancersforpalestine@gmail.com
for more info or to inquire about partnerships